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Do you ever feel stymied trying to “get ahead” in life? Have you ever been frustrated by that “metaphorical invisible barrier” often referred to as the “glass ceiling?” This limiting factor often induces self-doubt and is normally associated with women in the workplace. Well, I am a white male, and I face-planted into it at 13 years on the job. My career stalled for the next 4 years because the company pay scale had a “ceiling” on the ladder only passable with a college degree. It did not matter how hard I worked. There was no path up the salary scale for me because of corporate rules.
Of course, people are always willing to give advice and I was getting it, both good and bad. In these situations, it is up to each of us to discern its credibility. No matter what, the bottom line will always fall into a realization that 1) you trust the person offering guidance, 2) they see your potential and believe in you, and 3) it will help you accomplish what you really want in life.
For many years I was told to return to school and finish my college degree. But in my case, it would essentially be starting over and I was not ready for that challenge. The credit hours earned during my first attempt right out of high school were so pathetic grade-wise they were detrimental to any effort. The only “A” I had was in varsity golf, and the others were considerably “below average.” I was not ready for college then, but 22 years later I could finally see the relevance of what a college degree could do for my life.
In my September 2023 column I talked about “Time Horizon Theory,” and it applied in spades to my case. It helped my wife and I see where we wanted (and needed) to be in 5 years. We worked the finances to ensure we could afford my going back to college. It was much like any “freshman effort” in that we would be “cutting back” and eating a lot of beanie weenies and ramen. But we could see the benefit. When I graduated at the age of 45 I still had over 20 years with a new job to build a career and a retirement package. Short-term pain for lifetime gain.
Most importantly: there was no “glass ceiling” on the salary ladder in my future. In reality, the only thing ever holding me back was my not being willing to commit to the process. Once I realized what I needed to do, and did it, everything fell into place.
You too can bust through a glass ceiling. Listen to those you trust who are giving encouragement and advice. Remember that a degree doesn’t happen overnight, but when you earn it and proudly use it to get that higher level job, the “vision” in your brain back when you started will be saying “I told you so!”
The University Center in Ponca City is here to help your education goals. The UC has lots of “good advice” and you can trust we have your best interest at heart. Let the University Center help you meet your life goals. Start planning for the spring semester by meeting with a counselor now. You will be glad you did!
At the University Center, our commitment is to develop high levels of quality relationships with our students. Our support staff works tirelessly to make sure that student needs are met and that our professors have the tools necessary to provide a high-quality education.
We hope you will stop by the University Center and speak with us about the opportunities available to you. We have a dedicated staff ready to provide you with the tools to start your journey to earn a degree in higher education. The University Center is committed to bringing degree programs to Ponca City that our students need to be effective in a global economy. We have a strong desire to see each of our students succeed and be ready to make a positive economic impact in our region.
We encourage you to begin today, and let us be the first to say, “Welcome to your future.” Please enjoy your visit to the University Center at Ponca City. To find out more about our programs, visit us online at